Author: Cherry Bend Health and Wellness

vaginal discomfort

Introducing AnteAGE® VRS For Vaginal Discomfort

When we age, it affects the skin all over our bodies – not just our faces. In particular, when coupled with hormonal changes, women often experience changes in their intimate health and wellness. Vaginal discomfort and dryness are more common in aging women than you might think. In fact, over half of post-menopausal women struggle with these issues. That’s why we are pleased to add the revolutionary AnteAGE® at-home treatment for vaginal rejuvenation to our offerings here at Cherry Bend.

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virtue rf microneedling

Virtue RF Microneedling Rejuvenates The Skin

Are you ready to take years off your appearance and improve the look and feel of your skin? Virtue RF Microneedling is just the ticket! It jump-starts your body’s natural skin renewal process to improve nearly all areas of your skin. Find out why our clients are loving the results of this treatment and what it can do for you.

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medical weight loss

Try our Newest Medical Weight Loss Programs to shed those unwanted pounds!

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and keep it off, we know how frustrating that is! In fact, you’re not alone at all. Many people have a hard time getting to a healthy weight, even if they are actively exercising and watching their diet. Sometimes, we just need a little extra help! Our Clean Start Medical Weight Loss Program is designed to help you dial in those healthy habits with the support of our staff. And now, our clients can see even faster results with new injection options. Read on to find out more.

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Oxygen Rich Facials For Glowing, Youthful Skin

Have you ever had a really good facial? It’s easy to underestimate these gentle, yet effective treatments. However, facials can make an impressive difference in the quality of your skin. They are highly customizable, which means we can address your specific areas of concern. Our clients who get regular facials see a noticeable improvement in wrinkles, skin tone, hyperpigmentation, and more. Plus, they make a great “entry-level” treatment if you’re new to medical spas. The Oxygen Rich facial is just the ticket for reversing the signs of aging, hydrating the skin, and giving you that glow. Let’s learn more about what it is and how it works.

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Sculpt Your Body With PHYSIQ

With the New Year comes all of those resolutions – taking better care of yourself, hitting the gym, drinking more water. These are all great goals! But sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough when it comes to stubborn areas on the body. Whether it’s love handles, a mom pooch, or saddlebags, it can be frustrating to put in hard work and not see the results you desire. Now, with PHYSIQ body sculpting, we can tighten and tone those problem spots, giving you the body you’ve always wanted.

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DermaFrac® Treatments For Aging Skin

The natural aging process includes a slowdown of collagen and elastin production. In fact, this process begins in your 20s – much earlier than we think! After the age of 20, your body produces 1% less collagen each year. The loss of collagen and elastin is ultimately responsible for those classic signs of aging – fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Fortunately, there are ways to stimulate your body into action! The DermaFrac®combines several anti-aging skin care treatments that boost your natural skin cell production and take years off your appearance.

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Physician skin care

Get Maximum Results With Physician Skin Care

Are you tired of wasting time and money on products that don’t work? Finding a skin care routine seems to be a lifelong pursuit, as new products constantly hit the market promising the best results. In addition, tackling skin issues can seem like a moving target. If you consider yourself to be a “product junkie” but still find yourself struggling with issues like acne or pigmentation, this post is for you. At Cherry Bend, we want you to look and feel your best. We utilize specially formulated physician skin care regimens to help you tackle your skin issues once and for all.

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healthy weight

Achieve A Healthy Weight With Our Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program

Did you know that, according to a recent poll, the average person will try 126 diets over the course of their lifetime? What’s more, people typically abandon these diets after just 6 days! We know how frustrating it can be to try to achieve a healthy weight – and stay there. Many clients come to us reporting that they have tried everything and still feel that they aren’t comfortable in their bodies. Cherry Bend can help! As a health and wellness medical spa, we focus on helping our clients look and feel their best – both inside and outside. Our medically supervised weight loss program is designed to get you back on track, with accountability and lifestyle changes that keep it off for good.

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FAQS: Xeomin Injections

Most people have heard of Botox, but its lesser-known cousin Xeomin should get a little more attention. Similarly to Botox, it combats the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. But, there are a few key differences between these injections. So, what is Xeomin and how does it work? Why would you choose it over Botox? Let’s take a deeper look at this product and its benefits.

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moderate acne

Our Comprehensive Approach To Moderate Acne

Acne is one of the most stubborn skin conditions, plaguing up to 50 million Americans each year. If you struggle with moderate acne, you’re not alone. Although it has historically been hard to treat, especially with over-the-counter products, aesthetic products are continually advancing. We now have many treatment options for acne sufferers that not only clear breakouts, but also reduce the appearance of scars. We have helped countless patients get smooth, clear skin through a combination approach.

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