Struggling With Midlife Body Composition Changes?
As women enter their 40s, it’s common to notice changes in the body related to the onset of perimenopause. Unfortunately, as a society, we’ve done a terrible job at educating women about what to expect during midlife. This time can come as a surprise and shock to many. Especially as you’re finally coming out of the fog of parenting young children or making great strides in your career when all of the sudden things start to go a little haywire. Maybe it starts with irregular cycles, but then you start experiencing new onset or worsening anxiety, insomnia, and to top it off – your body starts to change. Even with no change in exercise or diet, many women begin to struggle to maintain a healthy weight and keep muscle. If this sounds like you – we have good news! Physiq body sculpting can help target and tone those trouble spots and help you get your body back.